Lessons From A Boat can help you enjoy your time on the water whilst learning seamanship and ocean safety from experienced and well qualified mariners. Getting washed ashore or getting into difficulties whilst training can be seriously damaging to your confidence, your precious boat and your campaign! We offer bespoke support and training to future and aspiring ocean rowing crews as outlined below (please email or call to discuss your requirements as this list is not exhaustive).
Passage planning/navigation training* – ensure that you are fully prepared to have a safe and productive time as you build your essential hours on the water (this can be done remotely or at a chosen launch venue)
Seamanship guidance
Skills and drills to help you hone and refine your rowing and associated safety drills (e.g. deploying the para-anchor)
Boat and kit preparation/advice
Campaign and fundraising advice
*Receive training and support with the best places to train, tidal streams/tidal gates, weather, navigation marks/lights

A little about Jon (Skipper and LFAB Lead Instructor)…
• Successful campaign for World’s Toughest Row – Atlantic 2024 race
• 40+ years ‘on the water’ with over 10000 nautical miles (and counting) under his belt!
• Extensive experience as a watersports instructor on tidal waters (largely south coast/Solent)
• Extensive and wide ranging school teaching/leadership experience
• *RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore (commercial endorsement pending)
• International Certificate Competence – Sailing
• RYA Dinghy Sailing Instructor
• RYA Sea Survival
• RYA First Aid
• RYA Safety Boat
• SRC VHF certified
• Club Rowing Coxswain
*RYA = Royal Yachting Association, MCA = Maritime Coastguard Agency
We can work with you or your team on an hourly, half day or full day basis.
Get in touch by clicking on one of the links below for a FREE OF CHARGE initial consultation to find out more.